
Episode 1:  Ben Hoffman -- coming soon

Yep, he's the real deal -- multiple Ironman and 70.3 winner, as well as eonophile and all-around super nice guy.  I had a lot of fun talking to him and, in truth, had a lot more to ask him but he was more than gracious with his time, so we'll have to have him back later in the year to catch up.  A bit of what you'll hear in this episode:
  • Stories from his early days as a collegiate racer and neo-pro...
  •  Why he chooses to train in Boulder...
  • Thoughts on difficult courses like St. George
  • High mileage vs. low mileage training
  • Sponsor talk:
    • Specialized Shiv
    • Zoot
    • Fuel Belt
    • Tri Bike Transport